“tis woman’s strongest vindication for speaking that the world needs to hear her voice.”
“tis woman’s strongest vindication for speaking that the world needs to hear her voice.”
Dr. Felicia A. Henry is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at American University. Her research interests include race, ethnicity, gender, class, carceral studies, arts-based activism, critical criminology, disasters and the environment, and social vulnerability.
Behind the Walls, Between the Lines (BTWBTL) is a movement to deepen the awareness of the legacy of racial inequity in America, particularly within carceral control, and inspire activism aimed at its dismantlement. BTWBTL uses spoken word and other artistic mediums as a platform to tell stories, reclaim narratives, and activate the power of those directly impacted to catalyze change.
B(L)K/WMN will be a brick + mortar space dedicated to and for Black Women and other Women of Color in Brooklyn, NY. This space will support women in the pursuit of their dreams and cultivate the reality that Black women are visible, that they show up and dream the impossible and defy the improbable every single day.